Creating Miracles with Ana & Lars. Simfonija možnosti. SOP taster.

Že Albert Einstein je rekel:
“Živiš lahko na dva načina.
Lahko se pretvarjaš, kot da ni nič čudežno.
Lahko pa imaš vse za čudež.”
Ste pripravljeni vstopiti v prostor čudežnosti?
V prostor, kjer se čudeži dogajajo kot po tekočem traku?
To je dejansko mogoče in je le stvar perspektive ter seveda vaše izbire.
Pridružite se nama z Larsom v podpirajočih decembrskih energijah in se prepustite vibracijam svetlobe ter čudežem, ki jih bomo skreirali skupaj.
Ste za nekaj novega?
Za vstop v:
nove možnosti
čudežnost bivanja?
The Symphony of Possibilities is a very special energy technique which:
* Vas odpre neskončnim možnostim, ki so vam vedno na voljo.
* Povabi vas k življenju na povsem drugačen način.
* Omogoči vam, da pričnete živeti veličastnost sebe.
* Opolnomoči vas, da pričnete uporabljati svoje unikatne sposobnosti in si izbirate onkraj tega, kar je običajno v svetu, v katerem živimo.
Simfonija možnosti bazira na tehnikah in orodjih Access Consciousness in energetskem raziskovanju onkraj mogočega dr. Daine Heera, soustanovitelja sistema Access Consciousness.
Ste pripravljeni, da se odprete čudežnosti življenja in samega sebe?
Da začnete živeti čudežnost v vseh situacijah in odnosih?
Posnetek o Simfoniji možnosti:
Dogodek bo potekal preko aplikacije Zoom.
Vsi prijavljeni prejmete tudi posnetek.
Cena: 21 eur.
Z vami bova:
Ana Bergant holistična in energijska terapevtka, CFMW, SOP praktik, učiteljica joge, refleksoterapevtka, facilitatorka Access Bars in Energetic Facelift, ki obožuje delo z ljudmi, predanimi napredku in preseganju samega sebe.
Lars Hedegaard Bek, Access Consciousness certificirani facilitator.
Prijave in info:
[email protected].
Albert Einstein once said:
“You can live in two ways.
You can pretend like nothing is miraculous.
But you can have it all for a miracle.”
Are you ready to enter the space of miracles?
Are you ready to enter the space of miraculous you?
This is actually possible and is only a matter of perspective and of course your choice.
Join Ana and Lars with the supporting energies of December and indulge in the vibrations of light and the miracles we will create together.
Are you up for something new?
Would you like to enter in:
* magic
* lightness
* relaxation
* new possibilities
* the miraculous being?
The Symphony of Possibilities is a very special energy technique that:
* Opens you to the endless possibilities that are always available to you.
* Invites you to life in a completely different way.
* Allows you to begin to live the majesty of yourself.
* Empowers you to start using your unique abilities and choose beyond what is common in the world we live in.
The Symphony of Possibilities is based on Access Consciousness techniques, tools and energy research beyond possible by dr. Daine Heer, co-founder of the Access Consciousness system.
Are you ready to open up to the wonders of life and yourself?
Video on the Symphony of Possibilities:
The event will take place via the Zoom app.
All applicants will also receive a recording.
Price: 21 eur.
We will be your hosts:
Ana Bergant is a holistic and energy therapist, CFMW, SOP practitioner, yoga teacher, reflexologist, facilitator of Access Bars and Energetic Facelift, who loves working with people committed to progress and self-transcendence.
Lars Hedegaard Bek, Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator.
Applications and info:
[email protected]

The event is finished.


Jan 26 2022


10:00 - 10:45
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